About Us
Protecting the Law
LawAndAdvocate is a place where anybody, even law students, may learn about fundamental law and specific sections of any act as well as search, save, and print them.
In addition, we have compiled all Indian laws (and will provide global laws in the near future) into a single online platform for students and individuals. Our vision is to empower all the law students as well as common people with better legal resources & information to minimize the obstacles, hurdles and unnecessary harassment.
Our Practice
Business Consultation
Security Consultation
Corporate Law Consultation
Home Loan Consultation
Banking Consultation
Finance Law Consultation
Why Choose Us
Honest, Expert Lawyers
According to often-quoted statistics, the pendency in Indian courts has reached 45 million (4.5 crores) cases. Among the many reasons for such huge burdens, lack of legal information & guidance to initiate simple court proceedings are causing the overall delay.
Modern Legal Care
A Legal Drafting may not always be straightforward enough for a layman with no legal understanding to comprehend. However, under Indian laws, anybody can create their own petitions or affidavits if they want to. This platform is for all general public and students to learn legal drafting about fundamental forms and basic formats of various petitions or affidavits with proper formats and instructions at no cost. This is also for students who wish to create legal drafting and any type of legal answer sheet quickly and easily after attending law school.
Over 900 Cases Won
Up-to-date news and case studies: This extremely essential part is mostly for noteworthy cases, orders, and judgments, as well as other vital legal and social news that our platform keeps people up-to-date on a daily basis for free.
Our Philosophy
The Law Comes First
Honest Communication
Committed to Excellence
We also host a forum for advocates and the general public. We help subscribers (both law students and the general public) to interact and discuss problems and to ask for any kinds of clarifications. Any other advocate who is a registered subscriber to this blog can also post to the forum.
Among the various services, the Legal Dictionary will be provided in PDF format for future reference and easy understanding.
Free awareness and best legal assistance: legal awareness promotes legal cultural awareness through involvement in different legal services and by spreading awareness within the legal fraternity and society, we are trying our best to help and encourage people to become more legally informed and skilled.